OUR School Day - timings
For morning drop-off and afternoon collection, please see here.
For wrap-around care (Before and After School Clubs), please see here.
For information on visitor parking (eg for sports fixtures), please see here.
Our Core Hours
Our core hours are 9:00am for morning registration to 3:30pm for home time (from September 2023).
In the morning, the school gates open at 8:50am to allow the children to be dropped off by their parents and make their own way to their classrooms via the playgrounds in time for 9am registration, with the gates locked at 9am. Learning commences straight away and it is important that we start on time - in EYFS and KS1, the first lesson of the day is Phonics.
In the afternoon, the school gates open at 3:25pm with the children dismissed by their teachers to the playground at 3:30pm.
This totals 32 hours and 30 minutes a week during a regular 5 day week (not including school holidays, Bank Holidays and INSET days), meeting the Government's plans for a minimum 32.5hr school week by September 2023.
Timing of Our School Day
08:50 - Gates open
09:00 - Registration and lessons begin
9:10 Assembly
(Monday - Year Group)
(Tuesday - Whole School)
(Wednesday - KS1)
Mid-morning break is usually 10:30 but may vary depending on each year group's timetable
10:45 - 11:45 Office Closed
12:00 - Lunch sitting one
12:30 - Lunch sitting two
13:00 - Registration
13:15 - Assembly:
(Wednesday - KS2)
(Thursday - Singing Assembly)
(Friday - Whole School)
15:25 - Gates open
15:30 - Home time
15:45 - Gates close
16:30 - Gates reopen for collection from after school clubs
For details on visitor parking for (eg) match fixtures, please see the information in this PDF:
visiting whitegrove parking arrangements.pdf