Whitegrove Primary

SWGfL Report Harmful Content

Year 1

Hybrid Learning (for those who feel well and are at home due to COVID)

If you have any issues accessing Teams, please contact the school office for assistance. Work is uploaded to this website, see daily links below.

Friday 1st April 

Telling the Time 

Thursday 31st March 

Make your own musical instruments

Wednesday 30th March

Clock Template

Here is what a typical day of Hybrid Learning could look like for you:

9.15-9.30 - Download your hybrid learning for the day and look at the different activities. You may like to start your day with a yoga or fine motor activity! 

9.30-10.30 - English Activity

11.00-12.00 - Maths Activity

13.00-14.55 - Topic Activity and Daily Deliberate Practice

14.45-15.00 - Enjoy a story 

Daily Deliberate Practice

On top of the Activities provided each day, we'd like you to do some daily deliberate practice. If for any reason you are not able to the learning activities of the day, please make sure you do the daily deliberate practice. This includes:

  • Read a book from Bug Club (the correct reading levels have been allocated to each child)
  • Play a different Abacus maths game each day from the ones already allocated to you
  • Practice your number bonds to 10 or 20

All these links can be found under 'Useful Links' below.

Please do some daily physical activity. If you need any ideas, there are lots to be found in 'Useful Links'.


Please send in any work completed to the Year 1 email address, year1@whitegroveprimary.co.uk. If it is work that has been completed on paper, you can take photos of it on your phone and email it in. We will give you feedback on work as soon as we can.  

Learning Ideas

Little and often is best to keep your learning going and be ready for September. Make sure you get plenty of rest and have fun too!


Read, read, read

Read a variety of books including online books. Enjoy listening to a grown-up, sibling or audiobook, or read to family members.

Sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge at the local library.



Talk, talk, talk about anything and everything.

Encourage the use of a range of vocabulary and different sentence structures.



Practise the list of common exception words for Year 1 and Year 2.

Common Exception Words



 Write messages, cards, postcards, diaries or stories and remember to use your best handwriting.



Counting forwards and backwards in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. from different starting points.

Look for maths in the environment. 

Practise your number bonds.


Outdoor learning

Get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Have active adventures and see what you can discover

Useful links


Bug Club

Oxford Owls eBooks

Bracknell Forest Library eBooks & AudiobooksBook Trust eBooks and activities


Counting in 1s

Counting in 2s

Counting in 5s

Counting in 10sNumber Bonds to 10

Number Bonds to 10 Game

Number Bonds to 20 Game 

Oracy - discussion inspiration

Pobble 365 Pictures

Once Upon a Picture

Physical Development

Milkshake DanceCosmic Yoga

Move It With MaskellBerkshire School Games

PE with Joe Wickes