All year groups
Whole School Oracy
Developing good oracy skills is an essential part of the curriculum. These skills support all areas of the curriculum as well as promoting general well- being. In these testing times good verbal communication will help maintain friendships.
Our new discussion:
This week, we would like you to discuss what Easter means to you and your family.
- What was is your favourite Easter memory?
- What changes do you see in nature at this time of year? How might this relate to the Easter story in Christianity?
- How has Easter changed since you were a child?
- Why might some people not be celebrating Easter? What might they/do they celebrate instead?
Educational Links
First News - informing and inspiring the next generation, First News is loved by kids, trusted by parents and recommended by teachers.
School Outdoor Learning (SOuL) - team building/problem solving ideas. Videos explaining some ideas to get you thinking from the company that provided our new loose parts play equipment and outdoor learning activities.
World Stories - A variety of books in different languages is available on this website. You can even read the same story in another language, a great resource if you are trying to learn a new language.
Berkshire Maestros - A chance to start the day with some singing and movement from Berkshire Maestros who come in and work with the Year 4 children.
BBC Dance Mat Typing - touch-typing practice
Please make sure your child is using all of their fingers - listen to Garry Goat and put their pointy fingers on the bumps on *f* and *j* and spread their other fingers out onto *asd* and *kl;*"... elbows by their sides, back straight, feet on the floor.
Remember to check that CAPS LOCK is OFF!
SCRATCH - coding games
You do not need to sign up for an account as there’s the option under the File Menu to “Save to your computer” and then “Load from your computer”. Requires Chrome, Godzilla or Microsoft Edge browsers (does not work in Internet Explorer, Vivaldi, Opera or Silk)
TopMarks - games for primary children - choose by subject and key stage
Primary Homework Help - all subjects for all key stages - is especially helpful for Maths
Nessy - for those children who have a log-in for this tool
Audible - All these books are currently free to listen to
Useful maths links for Primary and Secondary children