Whitegrove Primary

SWGfL Report Harmful Content

Useful Links for PARENTS

Online safety:

Please see our dedicated page HERE under our Health and Wellbeing menu.

Report Harmful Content button on our website

Seen something online that you'd like to report? We have a button at the top of our website for you to "Report Harmful Content".

The Report Harmful Content (RHC) button is an asset of the South West Grid for Learning, a charity working internationally to ensure all benefit from technology, free from harm. SWGfL have supplied the code for the button on our website and it links straight through to them.

It's a simple way for anyone (adult or child) living in the UK to access reporting routes for commonly-used sites (e.g. social networking, gaming platforms and streaming services). If it's a child who has seen content, we encourage them to tell an adult they trust about what has happened and to ask for their help to report it. Please read South West Grid for Learning’s how we can help resource together.






Keeping children safe:



Clever Never Goes has been developed to replace the ‘stranger danger’ approach to child safety outside of school. It also applies online. Another website that promotes building children's confidence rather than warning about all strangers is Action Against Abduction.

Advice for parents:




www.youngminds.org.uk/parent can help you to discuss topical issues and difficult news that is happening around the world. Their blog has suggestions to help you answer questions from young children about the situation in Eastern Europe.

www.dove.com/uk/dove-self-esteem-project - you may have seen Dove's powerful advert in the media about developing and maintaining a healthy body image - this link takes you to their "advice for parents" webpage.

Road safety:



These are all external links so we hope that they will be reliable.

Bracknell Forest Family Information Service Links to Free Online Resources


Useful links for children

Please see the link HERE (under the FOR OUR CHILDREN menu).