Welcome to our Year Group pages
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Home Learning activities will be updated weekly.
As a primary school, we would like the children to do a variety of learning activities during their week, not just those on-line or paper-based, but reading, talking, exercising and making activities as well.
In addition to the weekly activities, we are also giving links to relevant websites, games and other resources such as BBC School Radio. These links will be added to as we find new resources to support the children's home learning.
Before we start - remember the SMART rules to help you stay safe online
Childnet's SMART Rules for Online Safety are a key part of our school "Charter for Responsible Computer Use" and we regularly remind you in school to be SMART when you go online and... the SMART rules apply at home too! Click the image below to open a PDF of our Charter in a new window and read the SMART rules.
charter for computer use for print nov 2024.pdf
It's important that you keep your information private and safe when you go online. See this video from Lego - Captain Safety has some great tips.